General Magnet Wires (Single Wires)

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Product Code Heat Resistance Solderability Feature
LSUEW E(120℃) ・Solderable at 300-320°C
・Easily soldered with a soldering iron.
UEW E(120℃) ・Solderable at 360-380°C
・General purpose polyurethane enameled copper wire.
CFUEW E(120℃) ・Solderable at 360-380°C
・Low emission of organic gas-longer life of contact points.
UEY E(120℃) ・Solderable at 370-390°C
・Not so deteriorated by working as the nylon overcoat.
SF.BW F(155℃) ・Solderable at 370-390°C
SF.BY F(155℃) ・Solderable at 380-400°C
・Not so deterioated by working as the nylon ovecoat.
PEW F(155℃) × ・General purpose polyester enameled copper wire.
PEY F(155℃) × ・Not so deteriorated by working as the nylon overcoat.
SF.FLW F(155℃) ・Solderable at 410-430°C
・Class F solderable enameled copper wire.
SF.FLY F(155℃) ・Solderable at 420-440°C
・Not so deteriorated by working as the nylon overcoat.
SF.EIW H(180℃) ・Solderable at 450-460°C
・Higher heat resistance than SF.FLW.
SF.HEIW H(180℃) ・Solderable at 460-470°C
・Higher softening temperature than SF.EIW.
EIW H(180℃) × ・Class H magnet wire.
・Widely used for various heat resistant electrical apparatus.
THW C(200℃) × ・Two layers of coat,EI and AI.
・Excellent resistance to abrasion.
AIW C(200℃) × ・Class C magnet wire.
・Excellent resistance to heat,abrasion and refrigerant

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